easing headache and heartache from family & relationship problems
▶ Are you spending hours on SNS feeling angry, jealous, or sad about what might happen or what you don’t want to happen?
▶ Are you oversensitive and feeling as if every word around you is condemning or hurting you?
▶ Are you having addictive obsessions to distract your restless mind?
▶ Are you ruminating over your regrets and guilt, and blaming yourself over and over hours in the bed?
▶ Are you putting yourself in a cage of loneliness and shutting its door because you believe you are a failure and worthless?
I will help bring you hope, happiness, and peace of mind as quickly and humanly as possible.
hypnosis, hypnotherapy, pain management, stress, anxiety, depression, weight loss, overweight, sleep, phobias, wellness, habits, fears, confidence, motivation, performance

we do hypnosis and
specialize in family and relationship problems
Through hypnosis, I will help ease by-products of your problems such as:
Sadness, loneliness
remove pain from painful memories
Emotional storm
get your control of emotions and thoughts back
Sleeping problem
get focus and energy back with complete rest
Addictive habits
be free from unhealthy time-consuming habits
Remorse, heaviness
let go of the weight in your mind and body
If you are struggling with negative impacts from your pain, contact us for Free consultation!
our typical session flow
Zoom tech check
tell us your concern and questions about hypnosis while checking if Zoom is working OK (you can skip here).
You will receive confirmations for 1st and 2nd session dates by email or text. Before 1st session we use Zoom together to make sure it's working OK (takes 15 min)
You will receive quick & easy self-hypnosis practice menu. To start establishing a good habit by giving yourself positive suggestions.
& follow up
Please keep practicing the customized Self-hypnosis everyday till the next session. We can have a follow up phone call around 14 days after 1st session.
after 3 weeks practicing self-hypnosis, let's chat about your current condition(free of charge).
let’s set up a free meeting, send a message from “Contact us from here” (You can skip)
Give us your request date for your 1st session and 2nd session (7 days after 1st session). You will receive “consent form” and “Invoice”. Please respond by the day before the appointment date.
The 1st session usually takes 75 to 90 min long. Please leave your schedule open max 2 hours. It will be mainly an interview, maybe quick relaxation at the end.
7 days after 1st session. During hypnotic state, you will receive suggestions which is uniquely customized for you with the words we observed from 1st session interview. Usually 60 min, but max 90 min.
and thereafter
21 days after 1st session. We can keep continuing sessions with various kinds of hypnosis technique until your uncomfortable condition changes.
At the last session we can make your self-hypnosis script together.